Taralga Flock Ewe Competition


JUDGES: Ben Patrick, Yarrawonga Merino stud, Harden & David Zouch, Hollow Mount Merino stud, Bigga

Geoff Croker, Meadow Drive, Golspie, with his Winyar-blood ewes classed by Smokey Dawson (courtesy The Land)

1st place: Geoff and Margaret Croker, Meadow Drive, Golspie
Classer: Alan ‘Smokey’ Dawson
Bloodline: Winyar

2nd place: Steve Mills, Seamens, Golspie  
Classer: Pat McNeill 
Bloodline: Stillbrook

3rd place: John Corby, Hilltop, Mrytleville
Classer: John Corby
Bloodline: Grassy Creek and Carrabungla 

Best Individual Ewes: Chris and Stephanie Croker, Ayrston, Golspie
Classer: Jim Williams
Bloodline: Thalabah

1st & 2nd place flocks compete at the Southern Tablelands Championships against flocks from Crookwell, Gunning and Boorowa on March 15.